Monday, May 6, 2013

Liberia - Probable FAQs - "Tell me a cool story!"

Tell me something cool you’ve done or seen!  Have you had any adventures? 
- I flew on UNMIL helicopters twice (to and from Monrovia) – Because I was going to Monrovia on “official business” I got to take the UNMIL helicopter.  Yay!  And, thankfully, I wasn’t bumped due to “more important people” trying to also fly.  Fun fact:  the UN helicopters are run by Russian crews flying Russian machines. 
- A man and his wife showed up at my door to show me gold dust they had mined at the (illegal) local gold mine.  17 or 18 grams.  I’m fairly certain they wanted to know if I wanted to buy it.  (I had spoken to students and expressed interest in learning more about the mines and actually seeing the gold.  Apparently, word got out.) 
- I watched (and played photographer for) two bee keepers who went into a local farm to capture a colony of wild bees, to bring them back to their bee keeping facility. 
- I spent nearly a week in Harper, Liberia.  Which is architecturally fascinating.  And met a bunch of UN people there.  Including went to their local UN only bar at the Indian UN base. 
- I’ve met a bunch in UN folks, including folks at the big base in Harper.  Plus, visiting a bunch of PakBats (Pakistani Battalions) – basically because they serve tasty Pakistani food for a great price.  
- I spent a week in Monrovia, including several evenings inside the old US Embassy compound, where the ambassador lives
- I saw a girl, post-arrest, waiting for her parents.  Her crime:  running away from home so that she could go to school (which her father didn't approve of) 
- I've met a bunch of interesting people, who I won't be writing about until after July. 

(check back to see if I come up with other tidbits to add) 

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